Perceptive Design
Digital Product Design Process
Trust in the process...
This is the first lean iteration of a page under construction.
Draft Index
Conduct Interviews​
Watch Recorded Interviews
Read Papers & Articles
Write Reports
Peer Review the Reports
Amend points of review
Categorize and Prioritize information based on context and relativity
Categorize and Prioritize actions based on frequency of use and critical importance
Write Reports & Information Architecture (IA) Diagrams
Peer Review the Reports & IA Diagrams
Amend points of review​
Wire Frame
Photoshop & Invision
Design System (lean)
User Test the Prototype
Do the least amount of work to get to this first test
Learn From Testing & Iterate steps above
Research new topics introduced
Iterate on the analysis IA Diagrams & Documents
Iterate on the Lean Prototype
Formalize Detailed Requirements
Epics & Stories
Peer review
Groom Epics & Stories (Facilitate & Support)
Devs to write tasks for each story
Estimate relative effort and risk to each epic & story
Prioritize Epics & Stories (Support Product Owner)
Prioritize backlog based on incremental iterations (consider value depth and width, with user testing in mind)
Prioritize backlog based on the cost of deferring a decision VS the cost of making it (measure unknowns)
Prioritize backlog based on Business Strategy & Market Analysis
Set target release date intending to deliver on time with a variable scope (inverted iron triangle)
Prepare a Lean Road Mapped Vision (Support Product Owner)
While the devs are building, prepare the next sprints backlog details
Forecast and Document a road map
User Test the Implementation
Facilitate a testing session with the first appropriate release
Use proxy users if necessary
Deploy to an Alpha tester as soon as possible
Implement user analytics and prepare / transition into more quantitative testing practices​
Iterate on the process with the intent on finding a harmonious flow and rhythm​
Iterate on the process above
Consider team culture and time worked together
Consider the structure of your teams communication network​
Design Thesis Coming Soon
This is a paragraph area where you can add your own text. Just click “Edit Text” or double click here to add your own content and make changes to the font. It's a great place to tell a story about your business and let users know more about you.